Erasing the burden of victimization one tattoo at a time.

Erasing the burden of victimization one tattoo at a time. Offering healing to
victims/survivors of sexual assault, sex trafficking & addiction through tattoo/branding removal.
â–ª Grace – We believe that we all are deserving of grace and we hope to foster that grace.
â–ª Integrity – The work we do is grounded on honesty and transparency, the pillars on which our mission is built.
â–ª Generosity – We offer our tattoo removal services at no cost so that over-comers can move forward in their lives with no visible
trace of their past.
â–ª Compassion – We understand that there are circumstances that have a lifelong impact and we are deeply empathetic of the needs of those individuals.
â–ª Quality–Our friendly and highly qualified team members offer safe and innovative treatment. A licensed clinical therapist is present to prepare overcomers for the physical removal of their past.
â–ª Opportunity – We believe that opportunities in life serve as doors to a brighter future. Our goal is to open those doors.
â–ª Community – Our hope is that the community at large will help us, not only by supporting us with charitable donations, but by
embracing overcomers who have displayed the courage to take this step.
â–ª Freedom – The greatest gift we can offer to those we serve is helping them break the chains of their past so that they can begin shaping a new life with optimism, grace and hope.
â–ª Values - We envision that our pro bono work will garner widespread public support; that our ‘clients’ will be fully embraced by the community; and that they will experience the joy of being set free from their past.
Local Nonprofit Organization Offers Tattoo Removal Services To Those Who Need a Fresh Start in Life.
Uninked Grace has announced its intent to provide tattoo removal services to those who have been ‘branded’ by sex traffickers or those that have been tattooed while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Uninked Grace is a team of trained professionals who have the skills, knowledge and experience that qualify them to remove tattoos that tarnish their clients’ future. Compassion is a motivating factor in our commitment to releasing overcomers from distressing emblems of their past.
~ Jenni Mayes LCSW-S, LCDC Founder of Uninked Grace

“While today’s society has gradually accepted tattoos as a work of art, we must never overlook the fact that not every tattoo was received by choice and that unconsented ‘brands of past experiences’ can be removed so overcomers can move forward in their lives without carrying a trigger of the past.”

Human trafficking is the practice of exploiting adults and children for use as commodities, or objects, in conditions of sexual and labor servitude.
Also known as “modern slavery,” human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings through recruitment or abduction by means of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of forced labor, debt bondage or sexual exploitation.
Human trafficking victims are often forced, through sexual, physical and/or psychological violence, to perform work under slavery-like conditions.
Tactics used by recruiters, traffickers and their associates are often the same tactics used by batterers and can mirror dynamics of domestic violence.
Traffickers use a variety of coercive methods to control their victims including:
Luring their victims with false promises of economic opportunity
Withholding identification, work authorization, or travel documents
Demanding repayment for a real or alleged debt
Using or threatening to use violence
Monitoring and surveillance of activities
Paying very little or not paying at all for work
Trafficked victims may:
Be forced to live in subpar conditions (living in the same place as they work; living in a space that does not have heat, running water, or electricity; living with many people sharing the same, small space)
Not be allowed to talk to anyone alone or without supervision
Be coached on how to respond to inquiries from others including police and other authority figures
Sex Trafficking Statistics
In 2021, the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline received 32,709 calls, 11,256 texts, 3,490 online submissions, 2,802 emails, and 816 web chats for a total of 51,073 reports. Shocking as these numbers are, they are likely only a fraction of the actual problem.
Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 to:
GET HELP and connect with a service provider in your area;
REPORT A TIP with information on potential human trafficking activity; or
LEARN MORE by requesting training, technical assistance, or resources.
The National Human Trafficking Hotline is a national, toll-free hotline available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. The Hotline is not a law enforcement or immigration authority and is operated by a nongovernmental organization funded by the Federal government.